during this kyoho era , the then government headed by a shogun temporarily banned large-size hina-matsuri dolls to limit people ' s spending . この享保年間、人々の消費を当時の幕府によって規制するため一時的に大型の雛人形が禁止された。
then government had ordered its ichi-no-tsukasa (governmental organization ) to regulate prices of commodities for fixing at high the value of currency , but as a result , such initiation of the government helped to increase fraudulent acts of money-exchange by using cheap coins made and used in china . 政府は東西の市司に命じて物価を統制し、銭の価値を高く固定しようとしたが、このことはかえって安く仕入れた中国銭を素材に両替詐欺まがいの行為を助長させた。
thus , the law kushiki-ryo was made up of the above mentioned articles , which covered not only rules and regulations on official documents and laws and ordinances that underpinned the management of then government , but also service regulations for government officials in charge of the said rules and regulations , as well as judicial procedures . という構成となっており、政府運営の基礎となる公文書・法令の規定のみならず、それを扱う官人の服務規程や訴訟手続などをも含む。